9th kyū (kyū-kyū): 30 Practice Days
1. Sabaki Gata Taihenjutsu (sword evasion body movements) – 15 techniques
2. Kamae Gata (postures) – 2 techniques
3. Daken Kihon (basic punches and kicks) – 5 techniques
8th kyū (hachi-kyū): 30 Practice Days
1. Kamae Gata (postures) – 5 techniques
2. Daken Gata Taihenjutsu (strikes combined with leaping/rolling) – 3 techniques
3. Ken Gamae To Yōhō (various forms of strikes and kicks) – 4 techniques
4. Tehodoki (wrist escapes) – 12 techniques
7th kyū (nana-kyū): 30 Practice Days
1. Torite Kihon Gata (wrist and joint manipulations) – 2 techniques
2. Sabaki Gata Taihenjutsu (sword evasion body movements) – 11 techniques
3. Daken Kihon (basic punches and kicks) – 3 techniques
6th kyū (rokkyū): 30 Practice Days
1. Daken Kihon (basic punches and kicks) – 2 techniques
2. Torite Kihon Gata (wrist and joint manipulations) – 2 techniques
3. Henka Geri (variation kicks) – 7 techniques
4. Tehodoki (wrist escapes) – 4 techniques
5th kyū (go-kyū): 30 Practice Days
1. Ken Gamae To Yōhō (various forms of strikes and kicks) – 9 techniques
2. Torite Kihon Gata (wrist and joint manipulations) – 12 techniques
4th kyū (yon-kyū): 30 Practice Days
1. Ukemigata Taihenjutsu (escapes from locks and throws) – 11 techniques
2. Hajutsu no Hō (strikes to counter throws, punches, etc.) – 11 techniques
3rd kyū (san-kyū): 45 Practice Days
1. Ken Gamae To Yōhō (various forms of strikes and kicks) – 13 techniques
2. Torite Kihon Gata (grappling and throwing) – 9 techniques
2nd kyū (ni-kyū): 45 Practice Days
1. Keri Waza Happō (eight special kicking methods) – 8 techniques
2. Taihodoki (escapes from body holds/grabs) – 15 techniques
1st kyū (ikkyū): 45 Practice Days
1. Torite Kihon Gata (grappling and throwing) – 4 techniques
2. Sutemi Waza (sacrifice throwing techniques) – 6 techniques
3. Shime Waza (chokes) – 3 techniques
4. Shime Hodoki (escape from chokes) – 6 techniques