9th kyū (kyū-kyū): 30 Practice Days
1. Reihō (dōjō etiquette and manners) – 6 techniques
2. Kamae Gata (postures) – 5 techniques
3. Ukemi Kata (rolls and break falls) – 9 techniques
4. Koshiki Gata (old style forms) – 1 technique
8th kyū (hachi-kyū): 30 Practice Days
1. Atemi Gata (strikes) – 3 techniques
2. Keri Gata (kicks) – 3 techniques
3. Uke Kata (blocks) – 3 techniques
4. Koshiki Gata (old style forms) – 1 technique
7th kyū (nana-kyū): 30 Practice Days
1. Gyakute Gata (wrist manipulations) – 4 techniques
2. Koshiki Gata (old style forms) – 1 technique
6th kyū (rokkyū): 30 Practice Days
1. Nage no Kata (throws) – 5 techniques
2. Koshiki Gata (old style forms) – 1 technique
5th kyū (go-kyū): 30 Practice Days
1. Nage no Kata (throws) – 2 techniques
2. Gyakute Gata (wrist manipulations) – 13 techniques
3. Koshiki Gata (old style forms) – 1 technique
4th kyū (yon-kyū): 30 Practice Days
1. Tehodoki Gata (wrist escapes) – 3 techniques
2. Taijime Gata (body holds) – 3 techniques
3. Koshiki Gata (old style forms) – 1 technique
3rd kyū (san-kyū): 45 Practice Days
1. Nage no Kata (throws) – 2 techniques
2. Gyakute Gata (finger, ankle and knee manipulations) – 9 techniques
3. Koshiki Gata (old style forms) – 1 technique
2nd kyū (ni-kyū): 45 Practice Days
1. Shime no Kata (chokes) – 3 techniques
2. Sutemi Nage Gata (sacrifice throwing techniques) – 6 techniques
3. Koshiki Gata (old style forms) – 1 technique
1st kyū (ikkyū): 45 Practice Days
1. Nage no Kata (throws) – 5 techniques
2. Koshiki Gata (old style forms) – 2 techniques